in cooperation between the FMAA e.V. and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
(taking place at Bockenheimer Anlage 44, 60322 Frankfurt/Main)
The FAS aims to support the teams’ preparations for the oral arguments of the Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot. Yet, it is not a mere Pre-Moot with practice hearings. By means of lectures and workshops, the FAS encourages the participants to improve their oral presentations.
The first day will start with the arrival of the teams and a short welcome and introduction. Subsequently, Peggy Forell starts with the core presentation of the FAS and will hold the first part of the “Workshop to Practice the Oral Pleadings”. Ms. Forell is a trainer for communication techniques and offers courses for speech skills, presentation practices and other interpersonal techniques. Besides working for Freshfields, Ms. Forell assists several law firms and gives workshops at universities.
After the lunch break, the practice pleadings will commence. They are going to take place in front of the whole group. Peggy Forell will examine the students’ performances and will give individual as well as general advice on how to improve the presentations. Subsequent to the first practice hearing, the workshop will proceed. After two more practice rounds, for the time being, the first day comes to an end.
A hopefully joyous evening program will provide all participants with the chance to get to know new acquaintances in a nice, convivial surrounding in Frankfurt city.
The second day will start with a lecture by members of Freshfields’ Dispute Resolution Practice Group. After the fourth practice round and the workshop’s final part, there will be an extended lunch break so the participants will have the possibility to shortly revise their pleadings. Afterwards, two oral pleading rounds, which will resemble those in Vienna and Hong Kong, will take place. The oral pleadings are conducted by advocates with arbitration experience and by FMAA members or team coaches who have formerly participated in the Vis Moot. Some of them will act as arbitrators in Vienna respectively Hong Kong. The day ends with a closing ceremony.